Gastronomically Terrific

November 1, 2010

Crazy Childsplay at Halloween

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Oh my.  We really went all out on this one.

Scary food. No really - there are twiglets in it!

The skull and crossbones pizza was made by cutting out a pizza base into the right shape, adding a home-made sauce and cheese, then olives for the eyes and pepper for the teeth.  Naturally this is served with wedges and onion rings, which you could probably give a Halloween theme too, but there is a line not to be crossed, in case the witches come and get you.  In the background are “broomsticks” made from bread sticks and twiglets tied together; obviously these are to be dipped into creepy dips.  (food that glows like the cream cheese dip in those selection packs of dip is pretty scary…)

In case you wondered what the innocent looking orange things are, here is a closer view:

Cut just above the second knuckle - you know, where you might cut a finger off to take a ring.

Yes, those fingers are carrot sticks with pepper fingernails and a bloody tomato dip.

For afters, we had ghostly ginger cookie monsters:

When the ghosts and the spiders put aside their differences to gang up on you, it means it is time to RUN AWAY!

All fun food!  Although it tasted nice it isn’t anything special to taste, the joy is the way it looks.  Except for the cookies, which work really well; they are only gently gingery, and quite short, which means they seem to melt on your tongue in sweet biscuity bliss.

Who made it: A joint effort between Anna and Dan, though Anna did a greater than even share of the hard graft.

Recipe: Came from the Morrisons magazine Sept/Oct 2010.  Try your luck at

PS: No spiders or ghosts were harmed in the making of this dinner.

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