Gastronomically Terrific

November 23, 2015

Rolo cheesecake

Filed under: cheesecake, pudding, Uncategorized — Tags: , — lawsonanna @ 10:42 pm

So, over the summer I spent a fair amount of time not baking, due to being in California… and it’s been even longer since I posted to this blog.

Since we returned at the end of September, I have done a fair bit of baking – somewhere between 8 and 10 bakes in total. I think that’s approximately one a week. I’ll try and blog about them all, but it’s entirely possible I’ll forget some along the way.

So, my first bake was this no bake Rolo cheesecake. The recipe had been e-mailed to me during the summer by a Pampered Chef consultant, but having none of the equipment available to me that I have at home, I decided to wait until we got back to the UK.

And what a disappointment this first bake turned out to be. Cheesecake and Rolos. It sounds amazing doesn’t it? What could go wrong? Well, that’s the problem. It’s just cheesecake and Rolos. Sure, you add some vanilla crunch cream biscuits to the base. And some caramel and cream to the filling. But basically, it’s just cheesecake with a whole bunch of Rolos thrown in. In the end, it was all just a bit dull.

Who made it: Anna

Recipe: E-mail from a Pampered Chef consultant


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